Oscar Classic Adjustable Pressure Cap – Black

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Oscar Classic Adjustable Presure Cap – Black

Only 8 left in stock


The adjustable pressure cap, consisting of a juicing nozzle with a tube ring is designed to control the quality of juice that you make. It has adjustable settings that range from 1 to 5.

Setting 5 is best used for exerting maximum pressure. This is best for firm fruit, vegetables as well as leafy greens. For instance, carrots, apples, spinach, kale, etc.

Turn to “1” or “2” for soft fruits like strawberries and oranges.

This pressure cap is designed to fit the Oscar Classic Juicer specifically. It will not fit on any previous Oscar juicer models.

How to use the pressure cap

Attach the adjustable pressure cap to the drum cap end and happy juicing.


Additional information

Weight 0.16 kg
Dimensions 40 × 30 × 10 cm